Whooping Cough: A Growing Threat in the UK

Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a highly contagious respiratory illness. 

Symptoms start mild, like a common cold, but worsen to severe coughing fits with a distinctive "whoop" sound. 

Waning immunity, increased social contact, and outbreaks contribute to the spread. 

Whooping cough can be dangerous, especially for infants, leading to pneumonia, seizures, and even death. 

Vaccination is the best way to prevent whooping cough. Get vaccinated and ensure your children are up-to-date. 

Practice good hygiene, avoid close contact with sick people, and stay home if you are sick. 

Public health authorities are increasing vaccinations, raising awareness, and controlling outbreaks. 

Get vaccinated, practice good hygiene, and be aware of the symptoms. Seek medical attention if you suspect whooping cough. 

By working together, we can control the spread of whooping cough and protect our communities.