Coughing Epidemic surge in whooping cough cases UK

Coughing Epidemic: A surge in whooping cough cases alarms UK 

Hidden Danger: Early symptoms mimic a common cold, leading to delayed diagnosis 

The "Whoop" Sound: Severe coughs ending in a distinctive "whoop" characterize the illness 

Infants at Risk: Especially dangerous for babies, whooping cough can cause seizures and even death 

Waning Immunity: Vaccine protection declines over time, leaving adults and children vulnerable 

Social Mix: Increased contact after COVID restrictions fuels the spread 

Vaccination: The Shield: Getting vaccinated and boosting immunity is crucial for protection 

Hygiene Habits: Frequent handwashing and covering coughs help prevent transmission 

Awareness Matters: Understanding the symptoms and seeking timely medical attention is vital 

Working Together: Collective efforts in vaccination and hygiene can control the whooping cough outbreak