iPhone’s Namedrop Feature: Convenience vs Safety

Police Warn Parents About Dangers of iPhone’s New Namedrop Feature


Law enforcement officials across the United States are cautioning parents about the potential dangers of the iPhone’s new Namedrop feature.

This feature, which was introduced with the iOS 17 update, allows users to exchange contact information and photos with nearby iPhone or Apple Watch users without having to manually enter any information.

While this feature can be convenient for sharing information with friends and family, it also raises concerns about privacy and safety, particularly for children.

iPhone's Namedrop Feature, iPhone
1.1 iPhone’s Namedrop Feature

How Namedrop Works

Namedrop uses Bluetooth technology to detect nearby iPhone and Apple Watch users. When two devices are within close proximity, users can initiate a Namedrop exchange by simply tapping on each other’s devices.

Once the exchange is initiated, users can see each other’s names, phone numbers, and profile pictures. They can also choose to share additional information, such as their email addresses and addresses.

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Concerns About Privacy and Safety

Police are concerned that the Namedrop feature could make it easier for strangers to obtain personal information from children.

For example, a stranger could ask a child to initiate a Namedrop exchange, and the child might not be aware of the potential consequences of sharing their information. Once a stranger has a child’s contact information, they could use it to harass, stalk, or even harm the child.

In addition to privacy concerns, there are also safety concerns related to the Namedrop feature.

For example, a stranger could use the feature to lure a child away from a public place. They could also use the feature to track a child’s movements.

What Parents Can Do

Parents can take several steps to protect their children from the potential dangers of the Namedrop feature:

  • Disable the Namedrop feature on their children’s iPhones.This can be done by going to Settings > Privacy > Namedrop and turning off the toggle switch.
  • Talk to their children about the dangers of sharing personal information with strangers.Teach them to never give out their name, phone number, address, or other personal information to people they don’t know and trust.
  • Monitor their children’s online activity.This includes checking their social media accounts and reviewing their phone usage logs.


  • The iPhone’s Namedrop feature is a convenient way to share information with friends and family.
  • However, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers of the feature, particularly when it comes to children.
  • By taking steps to protect their children’s privacy and safety, parents can help to ensure that their children can use their iPhones safely and responsibly.

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