10 Tourist Places to Visit in Ayodhya – Places Visit in Ayodhya


Ayodhya, with its rich historical and cultural tapestry, stands as a testament to India’s diverse heritage. As tourism gains momentum, exploring the charming city becomes an indispensable journey for wandering souls. In this guide, we will uncover the top 10 tourist spots in Ayodhya.

Ram mandir Ayodhya official website: shrirammandirayodhya.com

No. Ayodhya Places
1.Rediscovering Ayodhya’s past
2.Ram Janmabhoomi
3.Hanuman Grahi
4.Kanak Bhavan
5.Ayodhya Art Gallery
6.Ramlila Performance
7.Sarayu River Gorge
8.Ayodhya Gardens
9.Ayodhya Ki Thali
10.Sweet temptation
List of Tourist Places to Visit in Ayodhya

1. Rediscovering Ayodhya’s past

Ayodhya past
Ayodhya past Tourist Places to Visit in Ayodhya

Ayodhya, the birthplace of Lord Rama, is woven into history. Explore the ancient city walls, see the remains of ancient structures and delve into fascinating stories echoing through time.

2. Ram Janmabhoomi

Ram Janmabhoomi
Ram Janmabhoomi, Ayodhya

A pilgrimage site for millions, Ram Janmabhoomi is believed to be the birthplace of Lord Rama. Visit the holy grounds and witness the spiritual aura surrounding this revered place.

3. Hanuman Grahi

Located on a hill, Hanuman Garhi offers panoramic views of Ayodhya. Immerse yourself in the divine energy as you climb the steps of this temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman.

4. Kanak Bhavan

Known for its intricate architecture, Kanak Bhavan is a temple dedicated to Lord Rama and his consort Sita. Lively paintings and sculptures narrate the epic stories of the Ramayana.

5. Ayodhya Art Gallery

Celebrate the cultural vibrancy of Ayodhya at the Ayodhya Art Gallery. From traditional art forms to contemporary expressions, this gallery is a visual feast for art enthusiasts.

6. Ramlila Performance

Ramlila Performance
Ramlila Performance

Immerse yourself in the dramatic reenactment of the Ramayana through the vibrant Ramlila performances held during the festival. The streets come alive with the spirit of storytelling.

7. Sarayu River Gorge

Sarayu River
Sarayu River in Ayodhya

Experience the serenity at the Sarayu River gorge. Take a boat ride along the river, enjoy the tranquility, and witness a mesmerizing sunset, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

8. Ayodhya Gardens

The lush green Ayodhya Gardens offer a retreat in nature. Stroll through well-maintained landscapes, enjoy the beauty of flowers and find moments of peace amidst the greenery.

9. Ayodhya Ki Thali

Ayodhya Ki Thali
Ayodhya Ki Thali

Delight your taste buds with the culinary delights of Ayodhya. Ayodhya Ki Thali is a gastronomic journey featuring local specialties, allowing you to savor the authentic flavors of the region.

10. Sweet temptation

Enjoy the sweets of Ayodhya, with local sweets stealing the show. From the famous gujias to the delicious malpuas, the sweets of Ayodhya are a delight for any food lover.

Tips for traveling in Ayodhya

woman walking on pathway while strolling luggage, Tips for traveling
Tips for traveling
  • Dress modestly:Respect the religious significance of the city by dressing modestly, especially when visiting temples.
  • Footwear:Be prepared to remove your shoes at many religious sites.
  • Photography:Photography is not allowed inside some temples and holy sites.
  • Local Transport:Autorickshaws and cycle rickshaws are readily available for getting around the city.
  • Bargaining:Bargaining is common at markets and shops.
  • Food:Ayodhya offers a variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian options. Try the local delicacies like Awadhi Kabab, Samosa Chaat, and Kaju Katli.
  • Accommodation:Book your accommodation well in advance, especially during peak season and festivals.

Insider tips

  • Plan your visit during the festivals for additional cultural sightings.
  • Respect local customs and traditions in religious places.
  • Join locals to discover hidden gems off the beaten path.

Accommodation options

When it comes to accommodation in Ayodhya, options abound. From luxurious hotels overlooking the river to cozy guesthouses, there are accommodations to suit every traveler’s preference and budget.

Transportation Guide

Reaching Ayodhya is convenient with well connected road and rail network. Once in the city, navigating local sites is easy, thanks to a range of transport options including auto-rickshaws and cycle rickshaws.

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Ayodhya, a city intertwined with spirituality and history, beckons tourists with its unique charm. From ancient temples to cultural festivals, the city offers a tapestry of experiences. Embrace the cultural, spiritual and natural wonders that Ayodhya has to offer, creating memories that transcend time.


Q. Is Ayodhya safe for tourists?

Ram Janmabhoomi

A. Ayodhya is generally safe for tourists. However, it’s advisable to follow basic safety precautions and be respectful of local customs.

Q. What is the best time to visit Ayodhya?

A. The winter months (October to March) are ideal for a visit, with pleasant weather and vibrant festivals.

Q. Are there any restrictions at religious sites?

A. Visitors are expected to adhere to specific dress codes and behavior guidelines at religious sites.

Q. Can I hire a guide for a tour of Ayodhya?

A. Yes, hiring a local guide can enhance your Ayodhya experience by providing valuable insights into the city’s history and culture.

Q. Are there vegetarian food options in Ayodhya?

A. Ayodhya offers a variety of vegetarian dishes, reflecting the local dietary preferences.

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